Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I've decided to start podcasting! I started making one yesterday, but I still need to figure out how to upload it... Haha, I am such a computer geek - in the way, way negative sense...

I need this book....

So anyway, these last couple of days have been quiet and relaxed, we did however - go out a bunch of us on Saturday to celebrate J's 28th birthday - it was a looot of fun, but the birthday boy eventually got so drunk we had to take a taxi from... Mix - to Xin Fu 2 Cun - which is about a two minute walk. It was a five minute taxi-ride, though! We had dinner at an AMAZING Korean BBQ called - well, I can't really say what it's called - but it is in Lido - and the phone number is; 84569336/9551 - You simply HAVE to go there! It was amazing. Then we had drinks at a place I don't want to remember, but quickly moved on to Russian "David Lynch Wet Dream Interior" spot "Chocolate". It was fun, but I think you kinda have to be in the mood to be there and have a GREAT time. After that, we stopped by Alfa for some drinks and dancing - we had more drinks than we danced, and at some blurry point we were suddenly all at Mix. When J was no longer able to stand up straight - I took him home...

But I gotta run, Becci is taking me to this South-African Embassy thingy - and I am actually gonna try - for once in my life - NOT TO BE LAAATE! Stay tuned!

- Do you know how to upload a podcast? Show some love!

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